EDISUN is an American alternative-rock band that will release it's second album entitled "Collision" on July 31, 2015. The album was recorded at the Factory Underground Recording Studio of Norwalk, Ct, produced by Claude Villani and Charley Drayton (The Cult, DeVinyls, Keith Richards), mixed by Ron Saint Germain (Muse, 311, Soundgarden, U2). , Kenny Cash, and John Shyloski. The album is a being released by Sono Recording Group and Factory Underground Records, with world-wide distribution by ILS Music Group, 3rd party aggregate to Universal Music Group (Canada) and Caroline Records (USA).
The lead-off single "Kill Me With Your Kiss" was released on May 26, 2015. It has been described as a cross between modern alternative and classic rock, or as one writer put it, "30 Seconds to Mars meets Led Zeppelin if it were produced by Dave Grohl." The song is available world-wide on iTunes, Apple Music, Apple Connect, Apple Radio, Spotify, and all major retail and streaming outlets.
COLLISION WORLD TOUR: Edisun will kick off their Collision Tour 2015 with a speecial show for the US Airforce/Armed Forces Entertainment on July 4, 2015. This show will take place at Diego Garcia, a base in the Indian Ocean. The band will be shooting a music video during their visit for the title song of the album "Collision." This will be followed by their first tour of Singapore before returning for a month of touring in the United States.
EDISUN WORLD-WIDE: Edisun have toured in 24 countries including China in 2013, sponsored by media company a-peer/Synergy, launching their mobile streaming platform Yunbo Media. Edisun's final performance in Beijing was streamed to an estimated 40 million mobile devices throughout the world. Edisun will do a full tour of Asia in 2016: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, and India. They will tour Canada Italy, Francee, and Germany between September and December 2015.
UNIQUE BEGINNINGS: Edisun got their start touring for Armed Forces Entertainment becoming the first rock band to perform for troops on front-line bases of Iraq and Afghanistan starting in 2004. This achievment resulted in their being featured in Rolling Stone Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and invterviewed by ABC World News Tonight. Edisun has performed for US troops in over 20 countries.

Album Artwork by Carmelo Blandino

SoNo Recording Group
50 Water Street
Norwalk, Ct 06854
(203) 857- 1292
Claude Villani
President and Owner
Marc Alan
General Manager
Jay Reason
Art Production and E-Commerce
Factory Underground Records
16 Isaac Street
Norwalk, Ct 06851
Marc Alan
Director of Marketing and Social Media
(203) 956-6940
ILS Group/Universal Music Group/
Caroline Music Group
Booking Agency
3Thirteen Entertainment Group
Ryan Darnell
Music Licensing
Matt Strickler
Factory Underground Studio
16 Isaac Street
Norwalk, Ct 06851
(203) 275-8672
Edisun on the Radio
#1 on 104.3FM The Buzz Puerto Rico/USVI March 2013
"Medicate" and "Wide Awake" Top 40/50 Active Rock Mediabase
3 X Acoustic performers live on WJJO FM Madison "Sound Lounge"
Mainstage at 95XFest Syracuse, NY Summer 2014
Single release "Refugees" Top 20 Most Downloaded Rock from PlayMPE for October 2014
ESPN Used "Ready to Believe in several spots including US Open Championship Tennis, Championship Golf, NHL Penguins
MTV Used "To Die For" on The Challenge: Rivals II
Dan Patrick Sports Show on NBC - Dan intrerviews Edisun on the show, mentions them regularly, cites "Ready to Believe" as his favorite song.

NBC Sports Anchor Dan Patrick and Edisun
Ethan Isaac: Vocals Mike Russo: Bass
Todd Budich: Drums Joel P. Kelly: Guitars
Joshua Jones: Guitars Virgina: Tour Bus
Social Media
US OLYMPIAN is "Ready to Believe"
US Olympic Ladies Speedskater Kelly Gunther chooses "Ready to Believe" to be her Official Theme Song; trains to the song, Uses song in fundraising video; makes the Olympic team, skates at Sochi Olympics 2014. Read More on PRWeb
SONY ELECTRONICS is "Ready to Believe"
Sony Electronics licensed "Ready to Believe" in 2010 to front-load on 10 million Walkman mobile devices sold through out the world. In 2014, they continue with a second Edisun song, "Silence." Fans write letters from around the world, tweet notices about the song come from Africa, Japan, and Russia.
US ARMY is "Ready to Believe"
The US Army licensed "Ready to Believe" to distribute via USB wristbands at athletic events throughout the world in 2015. 100,000 units.
Featured in Rolling Stone Magazine, Wall Street Journal, and interviewed by ABC WorldNews Tonight. Recognized as the first rock band to perform for American troops in the Middle East post 9-11.
"Medicate" and "Wide Awake" break the Mediabase Active Rock Radio charts
"Medicate" spins at #1 for one month: 104.3FM The Buzz (USVI and Puerto Rico)
Video for "Medicate" directed by Devin Dehaven of Fortress Entertainment Group (Papa Roach, POD) ; in rotation in 2011 on MTV, VH1, Club Room, DMX, In Store Sports TV, Go TV, Havoc TV, etc.
"To Die For" aired on MTV/The Challenge: Rivals II.
"Ready to Believe" used in several sports-related clips on ESPN: US Open and Wimbledon Tennis, etc.
"Ready to Believe" featured NBC Sportscaster Dan Patrick on his nationally syndicated show; he also interviewed the band on-air.
"Ready to Believe" featured by US Women's Speed skater Kelly Gunther in promotions leading up to her competing at the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014.
Sony Electronics licenses "Ready to Believe" for front-loading all their Mp3 players with the song beginning in 2010; follows up with the song "Silence" starting in 2014. 10+ million units sold around the world. US Army selects "Ready to Believe" to distribute via 100,000 USB wristbands in 2015.
Has performed in 48 states and 24 countries, including China, where Edisun live-streamed the first concert on Yunbo Media platform to 40 million mobile devices.
Awarded decorations by the Department of Defense; a wall size poster of the band hangs in the Pentagon.
Endorsed by G&L Guitars
Edisun will shoot a video for "Collision" on location with US Armed Forces this July 4, 2015.
Promotional Video released for "Kill Me With Your Kiss" April 27, 2015 produced by John Shyloski at Factory Underground:
Video for "Medicate" directed by Devin Dehaven of Fortress Entertainment Group (Papa Roach, POD). The video achieved heavy play rotation on MTV, VH1, Club Room, DMX, In Store Sports TV, Go TV, Havoc TV, Revolt TV. Video achieves 79,000 views on You Tube.
Video for "Wide Awake" shot on location in the Catskill Mountains, filmed on an abandon dude ranch once owned by Western film star Gabby Hayes. Directed by Sean Babas.